Foam Roller To Treat Frozen Shoulder

Massage Therapy, Oncology, Lymphedema Vodder Certified

Foam Roller To Treat Frozen Shoulder

As a Registered Massage Therapist, I see a lot of clients with shoulder issues like “Rotator Cuff Syndrome” which can potentially  lead to “Frozen Shoulder” also known as “Adhesive Capsulitis” due to the lack of movement in the shoulder caused by pain.  When the tissue around the muscle called myofascia is under a repetitive strain or when a trauma has occurred, it can tear and adhear together. These adhesions are called “trigger points” and can prevent the muscles of the shoulder to move freely and cause muscle stiffness and decrease range of motion.

Foam Roller To Treat Frozen Shoulder

In this video I will show you how to use a Foam Roller safely to reduce Trigger Points that are potentially referring pain down the arm and/or hand and give you more mobility.

To Your Abundance!

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Marie-Anne Hisem


One Response

  1. Heather M says:

    Hi Marie-Anne,
    Thank you for the great video! I showed it to my PT today and asked if I could do these and he was thrilled to see such a detailed video.
    Can you provide a current link to a foam roller you would recommend. The link above shows the product isn’t available and I would like to provide you with the benefit of a referral.
    What is the difference and benefits between a solid vs a hollow roller. Do you have any recommendations for a roller with vibration to help with pain sensors?
    Thank you again

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